Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well...Halloween's over and I only had 16 Trick or Treaters!  Can't complain....That 16 is probably more than all of the previous Halloween's put together since I moved to my present neighborhood over 8 years ago.  I do believe only 2 other houses here had their lights on.  But I must say that out of 16 ALL were cute as buttons!  I hear comments from others that they are getting the older ones (usually TOO old) and un-costumed kids in jeans with a bag for their candy.  My ghosts and goblins were all just PERFECT, well-mannered and dressed up to a T.  Made all the decorating worth while and also gives me plenty of Reese's Cups to eat from now til Christmas.  My cousin sent word on Facebook that they had over 200 Trick or Treaters...My, what a fun time that musta' been!

Then there was Emmett...He didn't make it to my house but his Aunt Lisa had this pic on her Facebook.  His mama made his costume and he wins the prize in my book....I just hope he didn't fall down last night...He might notta' been able to get back up.

Gotta love the little ones, and that's mostly what I had...Maybe I gave 'em enough candy that they'll bring their friends next year!

Now it's time to start thinking about Thanksgiving and the big holiday, Christmas, that are rapidly approaching.  I don't know about you, but these two holidays always pull on my memories from years past...You know..."the good ol' days".  Back when I was young and holidays were full of family and food.  The older I get the smaller my family gets.  Old traditions die and new traditions begin.  I try VERY hard to keep up tradition for my boys and granddaughter, LouLou.  We'll get to Thanksgiving as it gets closer... so stand by.

Do you realize that TODAY will be somebody else's "good 'ol days" in about 20 years?  That boggles my mind when my good 'ol days are full of innocent (mostly) fun and playing outdoors.  I was pretty much an only child, as my brother was 9 years older than me....But we had the Meeks family next door and they had a house full of young'ns.  Our neighborhood was full of kids and we played outdoors from after breakfast til' bedtime.  Simon Sez, Red Rover, Hide and Seek...game after game that meant everybody got to play and required lots of physical activity so we were good and worn out when we got home.  I can't comprehend kids today having fond memories of sitting in front of a video on TV or playing games on their hand held whatever those things are called. 

We had Elvis Presley, Ricky Nelson, Sandra Dee, Lawrence Welk on Sunday nights...and TV shows like I Love Lucy and Leave It To Beaver.  The kids nowadays have artists called Flo Rida, Lil' Wayne and Hot Chille Rae..Cartoons about belching, pootin' and all kinds of rude behavior and I can't honestly think of any family programming that the whole family might gather to watch.  Somebody PLEASE tell me my good 'ol days were lots more fun than the kids are having today!

In my profile you will read that I classify myself as an aging dancin' queen.  Hang onto your hats 'cause most of my posts will include some of my favorite fas' dancin' music and photos & videos of the dance I love best.  Might educate a few of you and might make a few of you think Ol' Kristyemac's a mental case.  Either way, we're gonna take a ride the next few months, especially after Christmas, that will give you all a glimpse into some of the things that have made me the person I am. 

Until then, I'll be checking back in about once a week with my thoughts and strong opinions on the upcoming holidays!  Oh, by the way....I don't have to decorate my Christmas tree this year...it's still up from last year...and when Santa's helper, Bryan Hall, says so I'm gonna light her up!


I'm tickled pink you tuned in to me today...Now it's time to TALK to me!  Tell me what you think...:)


  1. I never seem to have problems. Let me look around. I select profile of my google account but could use another account or even the anonymous option and leave my name in the comment so you would know who I am.

  2. At one of the first S.O.S. Migrations someone commented to me, referring to the '50's, "those were the good ol' days, Swink!" I replied, "Indeed they were, but right now will be the 'good ol' days' at some future time." And, those first S.O.S. gatherings are now truly the "good ol' days." There's a moral to this: Almost every day will be a 'good ol' day' someday, so we had best enjoy them all! :^) Gene "Swink" Laughter

  3. You're absolutely right, Swink...and thanks for dropping in..I do my best to enjoy every day I'm lucky enough to wake up..:)

  4. I love your blog. I get to it from your FB page. Keep is coming.
