Monday, June 20, 2016


Although we've had some FABulous weather recently I've been bombarded on Facebook today with the fact that today is OFFICIALLY the first day of summer.  Summer....what I live for.  I'm not a winter person...But knowing summer will eventually get here keeps me goin'.  I am OFFICIALLY a happy camper!

Summer brings on cold drinks, dancin' at the Pavilion, sun kissed cheeks and outdoor concerts.  I can put up all of my jackets, sweat shirts and long sleeved tops. Yay! Thank goodness for the new fad in "swing" tops...I can let the summer breezes blow and feel FREE.

You will NOT hear me complain about the heat.  I don't mind sweatin'...and I do it REAL good.  Nothin' makes me happier than to get soakin' wet on the dance floor at the OD Pavilion...or anywhere there's a dance floor by the ocean!  I read somewhere that sweatin' burns calories.  I like that idea.  At least I feel like I'm gettin' somethin' accomplished.  Somewhere I've also read that sweatin' gets rid of the bad stuff in your system...that would be GREAT!

 Here in the south we consider summer to be June, July and August.  How come summer doesn't OFFICIALLY start til June is almost over?  Makes me feel like my summer's been cut short.  I've got some catchin' up to do.  I think I'll go down to the ocean today and stick my toes in and get it started.  Anybody want to join in?  It's always more fun with company.

When I look back I think my love for summer came from my daddy.  He worked hard all year and started talkin' and preparin' for our summer vacation as soon as Christmas was over.  He closed his business the week of July 4th and we'd head to Holden's Beach for a fun-filled week of beach time.  We fished from the surf, played putt putt at the pavilion and chased ghost crabs with flash lights at night. He'd give us a quarter for every crab we'd pick up and put in a bucket he toted in one hand while the flash light was in his other hand. We chased and screamed and jumped sky high when he'd cut the flash light off right when we started to pick one up.  Daddy would sit on the porch and watch us play in the ocean all day.  His "suntan lotion" was a frosty glass of Early Times and ginger ale...Always present in his hand to make sure he didn't get burned.  He'd come down to the beach and check on us kids and pretty soon he'd let us know he was goin' back up to the cottage for some "suntan lotion".  My daddy loved the beach...and I think it came pretty natural that I love the beach, too.

Mr. Brady hasn't grown to love the beach as much as I do.  I've taken him out several times and all he does is poop and want to get off the sand and back to the golf cart.  (And, yes...I pick up the poop and dispose of it properly).  On the way to the beach this is what I envision:

And this is what I get:

So far, he hasn't impressed a soul on the beach.

Now, that's different for a friend of mine with a labradoodle named "Starfish".  Starfish LOVES the beach.  Starfish epitomizes everything I'd like to see in Mr. Brady on the beach.  Poodles are supposed to be water dogs and Mr. Brady only jumps back and looks at me like "HELP" when I take him to the water's edge.  Not Starfish....she's a true beach bum for sure.

Mr. Brady!  Be more like Starfish!  The beach is in your bones...Find it!  Fetch!  Let the ocean water become your haven!  

Oh, well..Mr. Brady is a little bit different...Just like his momma.  That's OK...I love him just the way he is. I love the beach, but he'd rather be takin' naps on the bed, watchin' a little TV and gettin' his own snacks.  So be it.

Yep...Summer's not for everybody...But it's definitely for me.  HELLOooooooo, Summer!  Glad to have you back!

Hey!  That makes me want to put my shorty shorts on and dance!  Mr. Brady's gonna take a nap and I'll catch 'ya later!

Glad you dropped in!  While you're here, won't you leave a comment?