Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day 2013

's Valentine's Day again!  Just checked my calendar this morning and can't believe it's already here.  In my younger days it was one of my favorite holidays.  I couldn't wait to get my box of little valentine's cards from the dime store and carefully go through each one to make sure I gave just the right one to just the right person.  Then came the butterflies waiting to see what card "certain" little fellers had picked out to give to me!
Now it's just another day...I already have a full work schedule lined up and it'll be over with before I can blink my eyes...Just like the whole past year.


I've checked far and wide and haven't been able to find any Valentine's cards directly targeted at folks my age.  What's with that?  Are we too OLD to get Valentine's?  I did find one card that had the Golden Girls on it and some really stupid wording.  Other than that one the others are all for "Grandma" or "Grandpa".  I don't know about Hallmark or any of the other greeting card companies but where I live there are lots of folks over 50...heck, even over 70...who are still sparkin' and in the courtin' scene.  Being a resort town there are plenty of widows, widowers and divorced single folks who aren't dead yet.  Sounds like an untapped market to me!

There is no significant other for me at this point of my life but I'd like to think that if there was I could find that "perfect" card for this lover's  holiday.  My generation is a little past all of the mooshy cards but we still fall in love and can probably whisper sweet nothin's better than the younger folks.   Just because we're over 50 doesn't mean we don't like the same things the younger folks do!
 So....How about it, America?  Can we get some Valentine's promotions aimed at the "fun" generation?   How about some cards with that old guy Charlie Womble doing a split on the dance floor?  Us old geezers aren't ready to sit down and mold.  Many of us are active and alive!
Heck....Grannies have been swishin' through the kitchen for years...they even sing songs about it!
Here's wishing all of you out there a rockin' Valentine's matter what your age!

Just remember...if all else fails...just dance!



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