Well...It got me. We think we're invincible and then it happens. Luckily, I'm quarantined at home and luckily....at this point I can still work from home. This thang ain't no fun, folks.
Started with a hacking cough. Then fever set in followed by my whole body feeling like I was hit by a Mack truck. I called into Seacoast and got an appointment for a drive by test. They sent me immediately to get it done. I've heard horror stories about the test but it was a piece of cake. Just swabbed inside both nostrils. Did NOT stick the swab into the back of my head. Sent me home and told me to stay away from my family. No problem.
I can't smell. I can't taste. I can hardly move about. Fever in the morning and evening. No appetite. Aleve and guaifenesin syrup. Not much else that can help.
In the past 24 hours I've heard of about 10 other folks here in OD who have come down with Covid. I'm assuming there are more. Facebook is being flooded by folks who seem to be shaming the sick rather than wishing them well. Gotta love it.
Waking up this morning hearing my LouLou hacking and clearing her throat. Head is full of "cold". Has she caught the Covid from me? Only time will tell. I pray that this is not the case. We've tried to stay away from each other but we're in pretty close quarters here at the house. Looks like we'll be going out for another test.
Did I mention chills and fever? My body has been racked with chills and fever every morning and every night. I wouldn't wish this on anyone...especially my LouLou. I feel guilty that I have probably passed this evil virus on to her.
Let's see...in addition to being sick as a dog our cubbard is getting bare. Guess we're gonna have to check out the grocery pickup at Food Lion. Although I can't taste or smell we've got to nourish our bodies...and coffee. Used my last pod this morning. Funny thing about smell with my version of Covid...I can't smell anything good. But as I have eaten (very little) my nose catches only a burning odor like none I've every experienced. Like vinegar shooting up my nose. It's not pleasant.
Why am I going into detail about my symptoms? To give a heads up to anyone out there who "thinks" they may have contracted Covid. I didn't want to believe that it had happened to me...but it got me!
Be careful out there folks. If it happened to me....it can happen to YOU. Please stop the shaming on Facebook. You have no right to judge when you could be next. The dinky little masks that are being worn are not gonna stop this terrible virus. Please....just be kind. There's no need to take names.
More to come. This is the first blog I've not ended with me and the dogs dancin'. We're just not up to it.
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