Let's see, back in the late 60's and early 70's I guess I was considered a band groupie. You, know...not the sleeping with the band groupie....but the crazy girl that always had to be in front of the stage hoping to get called up to do something stupid! Williams Lake was in full swing and I had fallen madly in love with the sweet sounds of The Tams, The O'Jay's, The Platters, The Drifters, The Temptations....and the list goes on and on. The excitement of hitting the road when one of my favorites would be playing live kept me on the edge. Couldn't wait to figure out how to sneak away to see them without my parents finding out. I got married in high school and the first chance that came along we moved to Southern Pines so we could have that wonderful band palace, Da Flick, at our back door. Don't think we missed a single appearance while the club stayed alive.
Many years have passed and I occasionally got out to see a beach music band here and there, but the excitement was gone. It just wasn't the same. I've been handling the bookings for the OD Pavilion's segment of North Myrtle Beach's Summer Concert series and some of that old excitement has slowly crept back in. There is some serious talent out there and I've truly enjoyed renewing old friendships and making new ones with the band members. All in all, they're a great group of hard-working folks.
During all of this I kept hearing about the Carolina Soul Band. Never got to see them and finally decided to try and get them booked for OD Live In The Horseshoe.....Let me tell you...I was BLOWN AWAY!
This talented group of men put on the most energetic and from the heart Motown and Soul show that I have ever had the pleasure to experience. I watched the crowd and they were also in love! I knew what they had been paid, because I had booked 'em. How in the heck had they been able to get here, set up, put on a show, and return home on that kind of money? I had to find out. Seemed the heart of the group is a sweet, beautiful woman by the name of Katisha. She was everywhere that night, always with a smile on her face, working the crowd and taking photos and videos.
After the show I wanted to get to know these folks better. I talked with Katisha and Chris and found out that the members of this group have many years experience either in or on the stage with such groups as the Drifters, the Manhattans, the O'Jays...the list goes on and on. I also found out that these were good, God fearing, folks who love what they are doing and believe in right and wrong. The group has been trying to get on their feet for about 4 years now and faced many obstacles...but keep on keepin' on. They had been told time and time again that they needed more exposure with the Beach Music lovers. Therefore, they had been traveling the roads whenever they could get a booking in our area, usually spending money out of their own pockets to get back home.
Well, those that know me know that I don't hold back on my opinions. This group provides a show that would be welcomed from coast to coast. Who DOESN"T love Motown and Soul? The Beach Music venues do NOT pay much money....but a Motown Revue with great voices, Motown show-dance steps and energetic music should be in demand for corporate and private parties ALL OVER!
Anyhoo....here I am....60 years old and a renewed band groupie....Yes, I am a Carolina Soul Band Maniac. I am not looking to go into re-hab any time soon!
I am in the process of helping to find sponsors for the CSB....they REALLY, REALLY need their own TRANSPORTATION for the group. They are now having to rent a van and pay someone to haul their sound equipment to and from shows. They have to EAT...and sometimes SLEEP while on the road. They have to buy GAS to keep on truckin'....They have to have those fabulous outfits DRYCLEANED so they'll look impeccable while on stage...They have to SURVIVE! They have to have MERCHANDISE to sell to help with expenses. They need someone to help them get a CD made for promotion and sales. I have no doubt that the Carolina Soul Band is going places...and I hope I'm right up in front of the stage when they get there.
If you get the chance to experience this group live, PLEASE go for it. You will NOT be disappointed. Come and be a groupie with me! It'll make you feel like a teenager again. And if you know of any business or corporation willing to come along for the ride let me know and I'll send them a promo package for sponsorship. SPONSORS are what will keep them on the road and let the CSB do what they love to do best...play their music for YOU!
My name is Kristye....and I'm a 60 year old Carolina Soul Band groupie. Won't you join me?
Hey....And we can DANCE!
This blog is dedicated to the memory of Drew Ridout...thanks to him the CSB can Keep On Truckin'!