Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The In-Crowd

I´m in with the "In" crowd
I go where the "In" crowd goes
I´m in with the "In" crowd
And I know what the "In" crowd knows (How to have fun!)
Any time of the year, don´t you hear? (How to have fun!)
Dressin´ fine, makin´ time
We breeze up and down the street
We get respect from people we meet
They make way day or night
They know the "In" crowd is out of sight
I´m in with the "In" crowd
I know ev´ry latest dance
When you´re in with "In" crowd
It´s easy to find romance (And we work out!)
At a spot where the beat´s really hot (And we work out!)
If it´s square we ain´t there
We make ev´ry minute count
Our share is always the biggest amount
Other guys imitate us
But the original's still the greatest
We got our own way of walkin'
We got our way of talkin´ (Gotta have fun!)
Any time of the year, don´t you hear (Gotta have fun!)
Spendin´ cash, talkin´ trash
Girl, I´ll show you a real good time
Come on with me and leave your troubles behind
I don´t care where you´ve been
You ain´t been nowhere till you been in with "In" crowd

I'm not a member of the In Crowd....Never will be....and don't wanna be.  I wanna to be ME.

All through school I watched the In Crowd at LHS.  I like to think that I could have been a member of that crowd, but that wasn't me.  I've always liked people for who they really are, not what they want you to think they are.  My friends were chosen by who they were inside, not what they were on the outside. My friends were white...and black...rich...and poor. I never hid who I was or what I was doing.  I never liked sneakin' around so I got married to my bestest friend while still in high school.  All of a sudden I was looked down on by the In Crowd, even though most all of those girls were actively having sex.  They just weren't married, so that made what they were doing the IN thing to do in high school.  I was doing the OUT thing, I guess.  This was my first experience in learning who my real friends are.  They love me through thick and thin and stand by me when others pass judgement.  I loved and respected my REAL friends...and still do!

"Judge not, before you judge yourself. Judge not, if you're not ready for judgement." - Bob Marley

I was attracted to Ocean Drive because it had always seemed to be a place where everybody was welcome.  You'd walk into Fat Jack's or The Pad and there would be doctors, lawyers, divorcees, folks that didn't care if they had a job or not.....a little bit of everything....But they'd all be laughing and dancing with each other all for the love of the dance and the music.  Nobody cared how much money you made or where you went to college.  These folks were admired for the "family" they had created and anybody was welcome to join.  Just behave yourself, don't go after somebody else's significant other.... and love the music.  Heck, you didn't even have to be a fancy fas' dancer.

All of that has changed now that so many have retired and moved to OD.  They have brought their cliques and In Crowd mentality with them.  Our "family" has split up and many have chosen to put up a false front so as to be included for the In Crowd gatherings.  I've been at the ODP perfectly enjoying the afternoon and meeting new folks when some of the In Crowd would come in and comment to me "Where are OUR people"  or "Who are THESE people"?  Needless to say I have lost popularity because of my answer to their question.  I watch them come and look in the door and when they don't see "their" people, they leave.  I've seen afternoons when as many as 30 or 40 would come and leave, two and three at a time,  whereas if they had just stayed with us common folk more of their people would have come and they could bunch up and be the In Crowd. In my opinion, there's plenty of room for everybody.

 Now that I'm old and gray I've come to the conclusion that most of the people I consider friends have more self confidence and are much nicer people. Socializing with them is always a pleasant experience and I never know who else I'll get to see.  It's not the same 'ol, same 'ol....Know what I mean?   Don't EVER insinuate to me that in order to be your friend I can't be somebody else's friend.  That's what's happening here at the beach.  I've never considered the term YOU people or THOSE people until I've heard it so much in the past 5 years.  I've decided I'm happier being one of THOSE people because I can be true to myself.  I don't go out drinking every night.  I don't sleep with someone else's husband.  I try to help those in  need, no matter what their social standing.  I just want to earn a living, love my family and fas' dance every chance I get.....because I moved here to be a part of that unconditional love for fas' dancing....and sadly, that has disappeared.  It's now pretty much conditional.

The In-Crowd is downright mean.  It seems that while acting like they really care about others, in reality they are constantly pushing people that don't fit their mold down, down, down.  They pick and choose their causes according to how much recognition THEY might gain by advertising their support.  I've always been drawn to the folks that don't seek that recognition and do things for others for the right reasons.  I sleep good at night.

Yep, when and if my financial situation improves and I can see the light of day, 'ol Kristyemac is gonna leave OD in a cloud of dust.  I know...I know...the IN CROWD thrives everywhere....but to be sure there's more to life for me than what I've seen around here.  

Gonna get off'a my soapbox and see if I can find somebody to dance with...Might as well!

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